
Your battery info, one click away

Watts sits in the menu bar, showing your battery status, battery health and power adapter connected.

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Battery status

The STATUS view shows the main paramerters of your battery.

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Battery health

In the HEALTH view, you can easily check how your battery is performing.

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Power adapter

In the POWER ADAPTER view, you can see the parameters of the power adapter connected.

Your battery health, clearly explained

Everything according to Apple documentation.

Super detailed help

In the HEALTH view, all your battery health parameters are correctly explained, according to Apple documentation.

  • Maximum capacity

  • Charge cycles

  • Health status

  • LIfespan status

Powerful menu bar icon customization

In Watts settings, you can fully customise the menu bar icon.

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Watts settings

In the SETTINGS, you can configure which battery information you want to show in the menu bar.

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Menu bar options

Several battery information options to choose from:

  • Charge percentage

  • Time to to full / time to empty

  • Battery icon

For any battery state

Even more, you can choose different information when your battery is discharging, charging and fully charged.

And lots of icons!

Choose between dozens of icons for all battery states!