ICD10 Explorer User License


Quantity Price
1 - 2 $549.00
3 - 4 $449.00
5+ $399.00

The ICD10 Explorer

The premier software program for discovering and controlling the complexity of the ICD10 diagnostic library.

Drill down through the tabular heirarchical listing of diagnostic codes or search for key terms and find them simultaneously in the Tabular, Alphabetic, External Causes, Neoplams, or Drugs and Chemicals lists.

Enter a valid ICD9 code to see the closest approximate or exact matches in the ICD10 library. Jump to the Tabular listing for those codes to examine the Includes, Excludes, Code First, Code Also and associated notes for each code.

This license will remove the 5 day trial period restriction and allow the use of the ICD10Explorer program on one workstation.