The Case Against Socialism: Plainly Stated for the Man in the Street


The Case Against Socialism, written in the early 20th century in England, is a plain-english argument which discusses the fallacies of Socialism, shares a variety of definitions of Socialism (from socialists themselves) and delves into the various impacts Socialism has on society. For example, in chapter 6: Socialism and the Family, we find the following:

"The very first conception of a Socialistic State is such a relation of the sexes as shall prevent men and women from falling into selfish family groups. Family life is eternally at war with Socialistic life. When you have a private household you must have private property to feed it, hence a community of goods; the first idea of a Socialistic State has been found in every case to imply a community of children and to promote a community of wives."

This IS a public domain work. Most editions you will find are unedited OCR versions that contain frequent errors, no formatting (like bold or italicized text) and large gaps where one page ends and the next begins. This version has been restored.

Purchase includes both MOBI and EPUB formatted versions of the book.