Holistic Counseling


In six seminars, the issues and techniques of holistic counseling are explored and developed by Jim Morningstar, PhD. The Holistic Counseling Training is an opportunity to become more aware of how you give counsel to others and to consciously advance in your helping skills both personally and professionally. For practitioners and students who want to expand awareness and gain skills as counselors.Topics include personal purpose, successful contact and contracts, ethics, spirituality, diagnosis, establishing a practice as well as experience in current methods of effecting change in the whole person. Group and individual exercises in and out of class will enhance effectiveness as a non-intrusive change agent. Course objectives: a. Distinguish holistic from general counseling, b. Know the precepts of creating effective contracts with clients, c. Identify areas of sensitivity and special concern in holistic practice, d. Know the early roots of the holistic paradigm in counseling, e. Describe at least one therapy having developed from each emergent learning system, f. Know the basic approach to incorporating a client’s spiritual values in counseling. These seminars can be taken individually, but it is recommended they be taken in order given for best understanding and application.