Life InWellness Video Series #1: Self-Responsibility and Love


#1 Self-Responsibility and Love (31:18) Jim Morningstar, PhD, introduces the Life InWellness Series and the primary principles of the course: Self-Responsibility and Love. With a balance of self-responsibility (self improvement) and love (self acceptance) as the foundations of our being, living and wellness are synonymous. As we take this journey of well being together, each of us must find our optimal balance and inner wisdom, knowing when to take charge/make changes and when to adapt/go with the flow. Life gives us opportunities to do both each day. This first seminar gives us guidelines and exercises for keeping this balance, not just during the course, but for the course of our life. Course Objectives: Define difference between Self-Responsibility and Love. Identify a balance in dealing with life’s polarities. Recognize the effects of sleep deprivation. Know the optimal breathing rhythm demonstrated by coherent breathing. Name methods of taking responsibility for one’s health. Included in this course package are: a video file Life InWellness Series #1:Self-Responsibility and Love (31:18) a pdf LIWS #1 Handout 1 Personal Challenges and Goals a pdf LIWS #1 Handout 2 Action steps tip