Life InWellness Video Series #2: Breathing


#2 Breathing (39:53) The Life InWellness Series would not be effective without teaching the basics of breath awareness and breath training. Over the past 25 years, there has been an explosion in the blending of ancient breathing techniques for health and spiritual awareness with contemporary growth and therapeutic practices. Jim Morningstar, PhD, who has taught breathing practices since the 1970s, shares the most useful of time honored tools passed down through the generations combined with newly evolved discoveries to improve wellbeing and life satisfaction. Course Objectives: Define difference between good and poor breathing habits. Know effect of breathing rhythms on the nervous system. Cite medical uses of breathing techniques. Identify the stages of a Therapeutic Breathwork cycle. Know when to use which breathing techniques in life. Included in this course package are: a video file Life InWellness Series #2: Breathing (39:53) a pdf LIWS #2 Handout 1 Breathing Exercises a pdf LIWS #2 Handout 2 Personal Challenges and Goals