Life InWellness Video Series #11 CE: Finding Meaning


11. Finding Meaning (47:36) Finding Meaning, the eleventh life area of the Wellness Wheel, creates a personal context for all the wellness topics and has profound implications for our ultimate health and well being. In this class Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of InWellness will assist us to clarify what gives our life meaning and how we can choose to lead a more purposeful existence now and in the future. Course Objectives: Understand the benefits of present moment awareness. Identify three personal signature strengths. Name three benefits of regular gratitude journaling. Know techniques for bringing responsible awareness to issues of death. Relate role of Life Purpose to wellbeing. Included in this course package are: a video file Life InWellness Series #11: Finding Meaning (47:36) a pdf LIWS #11 - Finding MeaningHandout 1: Identifying Signature Strengths a pdf LIWS #11 - Finding Meaning Handout 2: Statement of Purpose