Automotive Transmission Troubleshooter


Have you ever wondered how nice it would be if you could do those "complicated" transmission repairs and increase your revenues? Here it is. The Electronic Transmission Control System Troubleshooter Software Download.

This repair software is by far the most complete on the market today, covering the entire range of facts, specifications, trans-specific wiring diagrams, transmission faulty codes, repair-procedures and oil-pan identification.

A specific section is also devoted to faulty-code analysis. If you've seen all those "Solenoid Circuit Always High/Low" and "Component Performance" codes, and wondered what they mean or they apply to your repair, then this product is for you. The only repair software that will give you a detailed analysis for all the 500 transmission specific codes within the OBD-2 system. This is not to be confused with code definition, which are also provided.

The code analysis is a brief detailed and real-life based explanation as to what type of problem you're dealing with and "IF YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO OPEN AND REBUILD" the transmission. This is priceless information. All manufacturers are now relying almost exclusively on OBD-2 Transmission codes. This software covers all OBD-2 specific codes which are the P07XX, P08XX, P09XX, and P27XX codes. The manufacturer specific P17XX codes are also covered. Another section covers the resistance values and testing procedures for each transmission component. The entire software is vehicle and transmission specific.