402 Screen Printing Plans


Learn How to screen print. You do not need expensive equipment to do this!Save money by building your own homemade wood frame and screen as a simple table top printer! Get started as low as $70. Included is where to buy T-Shirts, Caps, Screen Printing Supplies etc. Purchase blank T-shirts at wholesale price. Then print a popular design on them, and sell them for top dollar. Learning how to screen print is also great for printing solar cells! You can screen print as many solar cells as you want for you and your friends. The information in these plans can teach anyone to screen print in the privacy of their own backyard. Once you learn the basics of screen printing, you will quickly find that screen printing is a very easy to learn process. You may even want to start your own screen printing and sign business. You can then print t-shirts, caps, jackets, decals, and signs of all types for local business and schools in your area.