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OpenPGP Library for Java - Single Developer License


DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for Java Single Developer License

OpenPGP Library for Android - Single Developer License


DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for Android licensed for single developer working with the product. One year support and updates subscription is included.

OpenPGP Library for Android - Enterprise License


DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for Android licensed for all software developers in a whole organization. One year support and updates subscription is included.

OraRSA OEM License


OraRSA licensed for the purpose of developing your own software applications and redistributing the software as part of your solutions in accordance with the terms of the OEM EULA.

This product is an add-on for Oracle® Database. It provides RSA cryptography functionality for Oracle PL/SQL developers.

After the purchase, you will receive login details for DidiSoft Customers' Portal from where you can download the production version of the software.

OpenSSL Library for .NET - Single Developer License


DidiSoft OpenSSL Library for .NET Single Developer License

OpenPGP Library for Java - Enterprise License


DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for Java Enterprise License

OpenPGP Library for .NET - Single Developer License


DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for .NET licensed for Single Developer working with the product.

OpenPGP Library for .NET - Enterprise License


DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for .NET Enterprise License.

OpenSSL Library for .NET Enterprise License


DidiSoft OpenSSL Library for .NET Enterprise License

Annual Renewal for OpenPGP Library for .NET


Annual maintenance and updates renewal for DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for .NET

OraPGP - Single Server License


OraPGP licensed for a single production server instance

This product is an add-on for Oracle® Database. It provides OpenPGP cryptography functionality for Oracle PL/SQL developers.

After the purchase, you will receive login details for DidiSoft Customers' Portal from where you can download the production version of the software.

OraPGP - Enterprise License


OraPGP licensed for unlimited number of servers in a single organization

This product is an add-on for Oracle® Database. It provides OpenPGP cryptography functionality for Oracle PL/SQL developers.

After the purchase, you will receive login details for DidiSoft Customers' Portal from where you can download the production version of the software.

1 Year Support and Updates subscription for OpenPGP Library for Android


1 Year Support and Updates subscription for OpenPGP Library for Android

NCiphers Single Developer License


A powerful cryptography library for .NET developers.

1 year support and updates for OraSFTP Enterprise License


Annual technical support and product updates for DidiSoft OraSFTP Enterprise License

1 year maintenance renewal for DidiSoft OraRSA Enterprise License


Annual maintenance renewal for DidiSoft OraRSA Enterprise License

1 year maintenance renewal for DidiSoft OraRSA Single Server License


Annual maintenance renewal for DidiSoft OraRSA Single Server License

1 year maintenance renewal for MsSQLPGP


Annual maintenance renewal for DidiSof MsSQLPGP

1 Year maintenance renewal for OpenSSL Library for .NET


Annual maintenance and updates renewal for DidiSoft OpenSSL Library for .NET

1 Year maintenance renewal for OpenSSL Library for .NET Enterprise License


Annual maintenance and updates renewal for DidiSoft OpenSSL Library for .NET Enterprise License

OraPDFProtect Single Server License


OraPDFProtect with Single Server License

This product is an add-on for Oracle Database. It provides PDF encryption and digital signing for PL/SQL developers.

After the purchase, you will receive login details for DidiSoft Customers' Portal from where you can download the production version of the software.

OraPDFProtect Enterprise License


OraPDFProtect licensed for an unlimited number of servers in a single organization

This product is an add-on for Oracle® Database. It provides PDF encrypting and digital signing for Oracle PL/SQL Developers.

After the purchase, you will receive login details for DidiSoft Customers' Portal from where you can download the production version of the software.

1 Year support and updates Subscription for OpenPGP Library for .NET - Enterprise License


Annual maintenance and updates renewal for DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for .NET Enterprise License

EmbeddedFS Single Developer License


DidiSoft EmbeddedFS for .NET Developers, is a virtual file system stored in-memory or in a single file. This license entitles a single developer from an organization to use the product inside the company without distributing it.

PGPCmd Single Server License


PGPCmd is a command-line interface for performing OpenPGP cryptography operations. This license allows the production use on a single machine.

EmbeddedFS Enterprise License


EmbeddedFS for .NET is a virtual file system located in-memory or in a single file. This license allows unlimited developers from a single organization to use the product and distribute it royalty free.

OraRSA - Single Server license


OraRSA licensed for a single production server instance

This product is an add-on for Oracle® Database. It provides RSA cryptography functionality for Oracle PL/SQL developers.

After the purchase, you will receive login details for DidiSoft Customers' Portal from where you can download the production version of the software.

OraRSA - Enterprise License


OraRSA licensed for an unlimited number of servers in a single organization

This product is an add-on for Oracle® Database. It provides RSA cryptography functionality for Oracle PL/SQL developers.

After the purchase, you will receive login details for DidiSoft Customers' Portal from where you can download the production version of the software.

MsSqlPGP single producton server license


DidiSoft MsSqlPgp - OpenPGP cryptography routines for MS SQL Server Transact-SQL (T-SQL) development.

OraSFTP - Single Server License


DidiSoft OraSFTP Single Server License

OraSFTP Enterprise License


OraSFTP licensed for unlimited production servers in single organization

This product is an add-on for Oracle® Database. It provides SFTP client side communication for Oracle PL/SQL developers.

After the purchase, you will receive login details for DidiSoft Customers' Portal from where you can download the production version of the software.

XmlFront.Mvc Single Developer License


XmlFront.Mvc component for ASP.NET MVC

1 year support and updates for OraSFTP


Annual technical support and product updates for DidiSoft OraSFTP, Single Server License

1 Year Support and Updates subscription for OpenPGP Library for Android Enterprise


Annual support and upgrades subscription for DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for Android. Gives access to the latest versions of the library (with source code included) as well as all new releases in the next 12 months.

MsSqlPGP Enterprise License


DidiSoft MsSqlPgp - OpenPGP cryptography routines for MS SQL Server Transact-SQL (T-SQL) development. Licensed for Unlimited servers in a single organization.