The Fundamentals of Integral Buddhism | Patrick Sweeney


Format: Video (m4v, 720 x 480)
Running time: 1 hour 52 minutes

In this extraordinary 10-part series, Patrick Sweeney offers a comprehensive introduction to Integral Buddhism--sometimes called the "fourth turning" of Buddhism. Here you will learn the story of the Buddha, the basic fundamentals of Buddhism, the essentials of meditation and tonglen practices, and some basic tips to help remind you of your already-enlightened nature.

Part 1: The Life of the Buddha: Suffering and Its Resolution
Part 2: Seeing Through the Myth of Identification
Part 3: The Fundamentals of Buddhism
Part 4: In the Wake of the Buddha
Part 5: The Art of Sitting When You Aren't Sitting
Part 6: Introduction to Tonglen
Part 7: Nonduality and the Inner Guru
Part 8: Ordinary Mind
Parts 9 & 10: Four Slogans for Ever-Present Consciousness

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