

Plan, prioritise and keep track of your to do lists, projects, tasks and work with PittStop.

Ideal for small businesses, sole traders and working from home.


  • - Prioritise your tasks, keep track of deadlines and update the current task status.
  • - Split tasks into projects and categories.
  • - Break larger tasks down into smaller tasks.
  • - Assign tasks to staff/team members.
  • - Import existing tasks from CSV and text files.
  • - View tasks per project, by day, an overall list or per staff members.
  • - Archive past projects and staff members.
  • - Search and filter tasks depending on their status, category and deadline.

The full version includes no limitations on the number of projects/tasks and no expiry dates. We'll also include 3 months product support and updates to any new version of PittStop released during that time.

After purchase, you will be sent an e-mail with a file for activating the full version, plus the installation files. This information will also be displayed after purchasing.

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Double check that you've entered your email address correctly. We will send order information to it.

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