
Benzinga's Live and Historical News Service for MarketXLS

$29.00 Monthly

MarketXLS integrates with Benzinga's new service to quickly get the latest news articles about a stock you selected in an Excel cell.
If you want to find out what exactly happened in history to the stocks in your portfolio at a date in the past then use the MarketXLS functions like as shown below.
=bz_get_news("MSFT","Start Date","End Data")
=bz_get_news("MSFT","2020-01-15","2020-02-15") - this function will get news between January 15th 2020 and February 15th 2020 for MSFT
=bz_get_news("MSFT","2020-01-15","2020-02-15") - this function will get news between January 15th 2020 and February 15th 2020 for MSFT
=bz_get_news("MSFT") - this function will get the latest news for MSFT

Historical data

Also, when you click on a cell with the stock symbol in Excel and click on Utilities>>Benzinga News on the MarketXLS menu a form will show up with the news.

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Double check that you've entered your email address correctly. We will send order information to it.

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