MacStitch for Mac OSX machines (not iPads), is supplied as an electronic download.
MacStitch is a great, yet inexpensive application designed for making the creation of counted cross stitch charts easy, quick and fun. You draw on screen using the mouse, using your selected colors (taken from the DMC, Anchor, Madeira or several other thread ranges), and build up your design just as you would on graph paper.
For the artistically challenged, you can import scanned photos or clipart, and have the program turn them into ready-to-stitch designs in minutes, at just the right size.
The printouts are clear and easy to read, especially when you choose to print at the larger symbol sizes.
No need run down to the print shop to get the chart enlarged when you can print it yourself!
And you can create PDF charts made from TTF symbols which makes selling your work online a breeze.

Already have a software package? Want to keep your existing charts?
Although our software can open charts from some other suppliers, there are some that the software does not recognise.
However, we may be able to help..
If you have charts in the following formats, we have access to methods of converting them into our file format for you.
We provide a service to convert the more obscure formats for you, and email you the results.
This service is sold in 'blocks of up to 12 charts at a time'
We understand that not everyone will know 'what version' they have, so this service is offered at no risk to yourself... if we cannot convert the charts, we will refund the fee.
File formats we can accept for conversion:
* PC Stitch (tm M&R) .. (.pat, .plb, .stf, .bdr, .cxs, .bpt,.pbf)
* Pattern Maker (tm Hobbyware) files: .PAT, .XSD
* StitchCraft files.SCC
* Cross Stitch Pro Files: .XSP,.XSM
* Jane Greenhoff Files : .JGG (some)
* Also .KRZ,.PTN,.CRX,.MCX ,.PHD
Although the software ships with 25 common threads sets such as DMC, Anchor, Madeira, Paternyan Yarns, DMC and Anchor wools, there are many specialist thread makers available. You can top up the list of thread definitions using the optional thread sets from Myriasoft. (Full list at https://ursasoftware.com/Howto/myriacross/ )

Our software is always in development. Sometimes there are things to fix, sometimes Apple or Microsoft change something important, and naturally we're always thinking of new stuff.So we often release new versions, sometimes these are small and free, sometimes they are bigger and chargeable.
You can ensure you always have the latest version, even if others have to pay, by taking advantage of the Lifetime Upgrades offer. When updates become available, you will get those fast , free, and first by download.
When you take out Lifetime Upgrades, we add you to a special mailing list. Although you will see the app tell you of small updates and bug fixes through a year, when a normally chargeable upgrade becomes available, we will email you directly with a new download link.