CSV-to-ICS Converter Pro (Perpetual License)


CSV-to-ICS Converter provides an easy way to convert CSV/TSV files into iCalendar (ICS) files. The generated ICS files can be used by almost any calendar app, including Google Calendar and Outlook.

How Long Will This License Work?

This is a perpetual license which never expires. You can also choose to subscribe to yearly updates or purchase lifetime updates for a one-time payment.

How Many Licenses Do I Need?

CSV-to-ICS Converter is licensed per user. For example, if the product will be used by 3 people, then 3 licenses would be needed. Please enter the total number of people who will be using the product in the "Quantity" field, above.

Can I Purchase Product Updates and Priority Support?

Updates include bug corrections and product improvements. You can choose to purchase a yearly update subscription or lifetime updates using the options below. Purchasing updates will also entitle you to priority support. The price for updates will be added to the total. If you don't want to purchase updates, select "No updates".

  • 12 Months of Updates $19.95 Yearly
    Purchase 12 months of updates and priority support, which will automatically renew unless cancelled. If updates are cancelled, you'll have a perpetual fallback license to the most recent version that was released before cancelling.
  • Lifetime Updates $89.95
    Purchase lifetime updates and priority support with a one-time payment. Your license will include all future releases.
  • No updates