Bonhoeffer's Social Ethics - Jordan Ballor $0.99
A survey of the ethical thought of one of the most dynamic and influential Lutheran theologians of the twentieth century. Special attention will be paid to Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s thinking on the institutions of marriage and family, culture and work, church, and government.
Breaking Dependency: Stewardship and the End of Aid - Brett Elder $0.99
As the debate rages over the real impact and consequences of government aid to end the war on poverty, quietly an unintended ecclesiastical welfare system relegates the emerging Church around the world to a mindset of poverty. Western funding remains the financial fuel that powers the engine of the growth of the Church around the world. For all the good that is done in the name of missions, at what point does Western funding hurt more than it helps?
Distributivism: The Theory and Critique ('10) - Kishore Jayabalan $0.99
Increasingly popular among Christians of all confessions, the economic theory of distributism, often associated with Hilaire Belloc and G.K. Chesterton, is often presented as a Christian ‘third way’ between capitalism and socialism. This lecture outlines distributist theory and articulates a robust critique of its premises and workings.
Envy and the Search for Fairness in Our Economic Relationships ('10) - Dr. Victor Claar $0.99
In a free-market system, participants are free to pursue exchanges that lead to their mutual benefit. Yet market economies do not lead to equal outcomes, even though the same rules apply to all participants. Using the parable of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20) as a starting point, and drawing upon the most up-to-date research, this course will critically examine the potentially corrosive role that envy may play in our relationships in a market economy. Critiques the idea of equality of economic outcomes from a moral and anthropological perspective.
Pensions and Social Security - Oskari Juurikkala $0.99
Aging populations in Europe and America present us with unique economic and moral challenges in the realm of social security. This lecture looks at different options for the future and the role potentially played by market forces in resolving these challenges.
Cultural and Social Critiques of Globalization - Michael Miller $0.99
Global capitalism and globalization have been praised or criticized in many areas, including politics, social concerns, economics, and culture. This course focuses on some of the social and cultural critiques of global capitalism and the impact of globalization on culture.
Development, Microfinance and Foreign Direct Investment - Anielka Munkel $0.99
Development Aid continues to be promoted as a key element to help alleviate poverty in the developing world yet critics increasingly point out that it has not been as effective as was hoped. Foreign Direct Investment is both praised as creating opportunity and criticized as exploitative while microfinance is a model that many are embracing as a way to provide development with dignity. This course examines the these topics from economic, moral and theological vantage points with the goal of separating the reality from the rhetoric so to better understand these highly debated topics.
Your Case Study: The Essential Tool Most Often Forgotten In Non-Profit Resource Leadership - Dr. Scott Preissler $0.99
This course examines the implications of using a stewardship model to understand the role of a leader, the purpose of corporate governance, and the importance of service in the not-for-profit world. It also lays out the principles of the newly burgeoning field of steward leadership.
Business as a Moral Enterprise -Theology of Work - Andreas Widmer $0.99
This course examines business in the context of an integrated moral life. It argues that not only can business be performed in a moral manner, but that business is essentially a moral enterprise, a good for society, an opportunity for virtue, and an essential element of the free society.
Closing Lecture: Piety and Technique - Rev. Robert A. Sirico $0.99